Sunday, September 8, 2024

8.9.2024 Sunday - happy after run

This morning, in the light drizzle I run into town for breakfast with the Sias (and the Lims, who didn't show) and with Eric and Alice (it is their last day in Kuching). Along the way, I meet Pi Tan; a little sausage dog who followed me for too far to be safe. I think she is lost and look for a number on her collar, that is when I find the name Pi Tan (might also be the owner's name, because she asks me to describe the dog when I my call gets through). 

Pi Tan I suspect is not the dog's name but the owner, when I rang she asked which dog it was...

The owner comes and collects him, and all is good. I continue my run but I am 15 minutes late. When I get there, everyone is there, Si Yong and family arrive a short while later. SY and Eric talk; he is curious about how we work together, about our relationship. He thinks it is unusual, SY explains that it is perhaps the small town mentality for people to want to work together. I am grateful for this, Jenny should hear this - to collaborate without fear that one party is going to snatch away the prize, the glory or the attention. Last night, she raised this question and I told her that this happens, and when it does - we get on with life but not before telling whoever took the prize that we are all watching you because you had better do a good job. If not, shame on you.

I spend the remainder off the day at home; pruning the lemon tree and setting leaves of fire. Later I have a nap while mom does the same, and then I get a lift to squash with Dr Kok. Dinner is ribs and cauliflower with white sauce. I eat less for myself and to save some for Jenny and Judy; all good. 

Sean takes Alice and Eric for a boat ride

Eric sent this photo as he left for the airport that afternoon, he plans to return soon.

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