Thursday, September 5, 2024

6.9.2024 Friday - home invasion

A home invasion - of the nicest kind.

Three weeks ago, 16 students from #cycu Chung Yuan Christian University arrived to stay at No. 40 (amah's house as they call it) They are Eric Chen 's 2nd Year students, here to do research and design projects. Each weekend, we go over and cook for them. My friends bring food and join us, and we watch them.
I like how they gradually make themselves at home; running up and down the stairs, hanging laundry here and there, sudden bursts of laughter and conversation as the night draws on. I asked them to send me photos of their time at amah's house, and they sent me these.

We will miss them.
Samantha Yap Chai Si Yong Chan Shie Wah 王靖樺


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