Tuesday, September 24, 2024

25.9.2024 Wednesday - starting a habit

 I read an article about how gardening helps to calm the mind. I agree, I was gardening more especially during the pandemic, and enjoyed myself seeing the fruits of me labour. Recently, other interests and duties have caught up, so it is a good time to start. 

This morning, I start gently by planting 2 pineapple crowns. In 9 months, they will bear fruit if they are pollinated. There are more major things to do in the garden; I should make a list:
1. empty the pile of pruning and leaves Beko created
2. start a few more compost bins
3. harvest the existing compost bins
4. find small seedlings and plants for No. 40's garden
5. more the belian columns out
6. make use of the conc pavers at No. 40
7. Prune the lemon trees
8. Plant dragon fruits in the front planter
9. Plant more seedling and place them in the front shelf
10. Prune the front passion fruit vine
11. Harvest regularly
12. Put a sail cloth over the back yard for the herb garden
13. Paint the steel mesh for No. 40

The thing about gardening while you have a busy schedule is not to do it for too long. Perhaps 30 minutes to an hour is the limit for me, but this done as a routine will see results in no time. 

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