Tuesday, September 3, 2024

3.9.2024 Tuesday - you are not pulling your weight

Some folks have not been pulling their weight. I have a chat with one, she is very frank and has made plans to travel. We agree on a time frame, and discuss reasons why this works out for the best; a 2-month no-pay leave period sets a precedence that I am not able to continue for the other team members, it is better for a clean cut for her own clarity and freedom to decide if she wants to stay on in Taiwan and lastly her resignation would allow Sam and I to offer a small bonus which would no doubt help with her stay there. Her plans worry me a bit (if I were thinking like a parent) but she is a grown up, and able to make her own decisions. 

The other one is harder to discuss - and might have caused Freddie to propose the employment of an admin person. She does not understand the amount of work we are doing, much less that amount that I am doing personally. Not I am not keen to boast about the work we are getting, she thinks it is normal (for us but not for other other architecture firms). As a result, she does not seem very excited about new jobs. She is a grown up and still needs to be told how to do her work? no one else feels inclined to 'instruct' or request for work from her.

On other fronts, we have a meeting with the Italian facade architect and things seem to be falling into place (on quite a fast pace). At the Sheraton dinner, I speak to Mike Ho about his friend's house, about getting a good architect (not me) and he seems to understand. The current architect is offering less than a drafting proposal - quite shameful.

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