Saturday, February 27, 2021

Planning for the future


Teaching again

I have always wanted to teach.
Those close to me say that it is because I want people to listen to me. I feel that the opposite is true, that those close to me do not hear what I say. 


Saturday, February 13, 2021

A small sense of achievement

Every second Thursday is a special day for me (us), especially in the late evening when our small editorial group completes yet another digital issue of our newsletter. There is a small but significant sense of achievement each time, almost as important as the ones related to our architectural work; another chapter filed away, another foster child set free into the world. 

The 4 of us led by Hui Joo do a final proofread; SiYong is good with names and dates, PikShia the adverts and I check the grammar and phrasing, before sending it to Ivy who as the Chapter Chair releases it to the architecture fraternity early Friday morning. 

We don't pretend that the contents in our newsletter are very high brow or even well-researched, we see it as a means of curating our local news and successes. Often it is not important to anyone other than the author and those close to her and us; the publishers, and I suspect those are the few who read the article. Nonetheless, it is an important act of recording and setting within the time-line of our community - like old Fujichrome photos of long ago birthday parties or graduations we need them as a point of reference to see how far we have come, to recall those who have left us and to cherish the ones still here and in good stead. And these references become more important as time passes, much like heritage buildings.

So, we will continue to curate and publish until such a time that we run out of money or articles or both. We have found that in recent months, many more readers have put up their hand to contribute a project, proposal or article. Hopefully they too share our sense of achievement to see their work in print as a small step in the sizeable task of curating their work.