Saturday, January 28, 2023

26th Jan 2023 Thursday - back to work

After so many days away from the office, I thought that perhaps the first day back can be a little bit of light housekeeping; morning meeting about project status and responsibilities, and deadlines for the week ahead. 

After which, I cooked lunch for everyone (although not everyone was back at the office yet - the 2 bosses were away and ME as well). I dissected the duck from Mrs. Liew and added eggs to stew. Vivian dropped by to chat, while I was preparing lunch. And as I heated up oil in the pot and put the garlic pieces in, she came to stir the pot without my asking. We chatted as I dropped chopped vegetables into the pot, we talked about work and people (everything except the task in front of us). She cooked and I sprinkled water for the stir fry to sizzle, seasoned with soy, thickened slightly with cornstarch. 

And in a few minutes, it is done. I enjoyed her company and her help; so effortless. 


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