Wednesday, January 4, 2023

1st Jan 2023 Sunday - New year's day lunch

An uneventful NewYear’s Day. EH and I used to run (try to) from home to Damai, he probably still goes for a long run but I took the morning to sleep in until 7am. I had promised to cook lunch for the Lims and the Sias, in the office which has become my new entertainment hub. 

And since my mom enjoyed our last outing with our friends, we brought her along as well so that she can visit our new office. She first visited my office when we were at Golden Arch where she complained that it was smelly. And it was, the cooking fumes from the coffee shops wafted upwards and permeated our third floor space. In our Central Park office, she questioned why I didn’t have a room to myself since I was one of the bosses. There were 4 bosses, I told her- if we all had rooms there will not be enough space for the staff. At DNA House, two of the bosses had rooms although William later moved out when he must have felt isolated. I sat in the centre of the studio near the library and within reach of the kitchen, I had two of the nicest rooms in the office. Mom didn’t visit 44 Upper China Street, the stairs would have been a challenge to her frail knees but the new office was easy to access. The escalators escorted her the two flights to our third floor office and she enjoyed the lunch though I think more comfy seats with a back would be better for her. 



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