Monday, August 12, 2024

12.8.2024 Monday - chatting with friends

members of the Taipei-Kuching discussing the imminent arrival of 16 students for a research and design workshop at Kenyalang Park

 Mondays are usually busy, especially for me as I prepare work for the folks in the office. I review their drawings and offer suggestions, instruct changes and confirm directions. We have a sit down office meeting, we discuss work loads, deadlines and inform that RF will be leaving us at the end of the month. All the while, I have several other deadlines on my mind - foremost is the presentation deck for new hotel/apartment project. 

Sani rings and offer some new ideas about the project; PV panels for the screens, tree-like canopies for the pre-function spaces and ideas for the staggered windows. Later at noon, we meet up with Eric who is on the way to KL and later Kuching. It seems like there is a slight change to the plans, and like professionals that we are - we take it in and go with the flow. 

6 of the students will arrive tomorrow evening, they will be entertained by the young ones from our office. And they will stay at No. 40

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