Sunday, July 7, 2024

7.7.2024 Sunday - a day for many breakthroughs

I am not looking for a timed run, just wanted to see if the legs can take the load (they can) and if the new toed socks work well with the running slippers (they do) 14.5km two hours on the road, finish with a swim and 2 fried eggs at the club. Life is good, it brings a spring to my steps. 

Earlier this morning, Jenny posted the first of our dual language essay in the Borneo Architecture Journal, which I share during my walk breaks (it is a slow run). Several young friends were persuaded to submit articles and essays - one of the more promising ones is from Tao who might write about this kitchen sink, at home in Kampar. 

Today is a day of many break-throughs - my long run, Sam fill up my pillow with fresh cotton and sewed it back. Jenny comes over and tries out dad's motorbike; it works! And she likes it, enough to select a helmet from ones retrieved from Khoon's house.

Jenny texting her brother for a refresher on motorbike riding

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