Thursday, July 18, 2024

17.7.2024 Wednesday - change

 We are called to a meeting to coordinate the new hotel project, to meet the potential steel fabricator. We had been earlier working with another fabricator, and liked his work attitude. And now, this new guy - I did not know what to expect, no one likes change of plans. But then I thought I have nothing to lse, let's meet this new guy and see how he is. 

We were scheduled to meet at their board room, as the consultants and the sub-contractors started filing into the room, I searched for a new face. As I was scanning the room, someone tapped me on my shoulder and said - 'eh, remember me, I am Shing's brother, Andrew'. In the course of the meeting, he explained his pricing and intended schedules and details - he seems to know what he is doing - change is good sometimes. 

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