Saturday, July 13, 2024

12.7.2024 Friday - a good conversation with Freddie spurs on two ideas

I make detailed plans to meet up with Uncle Ee Beck and take him for breakfast and a walking tour; and text him extra early about it (4:24 a.m.) But he declines and promises to tell him if he wants lunch with us at the office. 

This means that I have extra time on my hands, and start work. Freddie texts at 9 a.m. for a coffee - a distraction but a good one as it turns out. He suggests that Sean briefs the client fortnightly on TTSB projects, the full team to be there to answer and deliver based on deadlines. I like this idea of Sean taking the lead, I like even more the idea that Freddie is making plans for Sean (and me).

The other idea he gives me is for the planning of AU's resort - I go back to the office an hour later more energised and start on the resort planning. I end up cooking lunch for the office folks and small like the one-pot rice lunch for a rest of the afternoon.

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