Saturday, July 13, 2024

11.7.2024 Thursday - clear bill of health

 Well. maybe not totally but lungs are clear.

We wake up early this morning and Sam drives me to the medical centre for an X ray, it is because I have been coughing on and off for some months. I don't like going to hospitals, but then again I don't anyone does. It is quick and easy, I go in and press my chest up against the cool steel plate and I am done. 

The results are equally quick, 2 hours later Sam send this to me. And I forwarded to the family group and also Jenny, who has been badgering me like someone closer in blood ties than she is. 'She insist!' were her words. 

Later that morning, Sean goes to the Springvale site where piling has started. I wonder if it has sunk in yet, that his first major project has begun. 

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