Sunday, November 20, 2022

20th November 2022 Sunday - meeting Henry and Solomon

We made plans to play tennis with Solomon Tan who left St Tom after Form 5, he went to Arizona and now lives in California. I have not seen him since 1981 nor kept in touch as we were in different classes, but for people like Henry Sia we might not have re-connected this morning. It was a unusual type of reunion, a tennis game but perhaps also best suited in this case as we had little to chat about in the beginning. 

He plays a good game, though at our age the upper hand is usually gained by having better movement/mobility (the strokes and courtcraft is not so important). I recall that when we were in school, he often wore a worried frown which he still does (captured in this photo when we collected him from Urat Mata)

After the game, we met Henry at Lau Eya Kheng and talked about the old days which Henry remembered vividly. We recalled Mrs Eng and Cikgu Latifah who taught us English and BM, who treated us like adults even though we were snotty-nosed kids then. And the late Minah Foo who was firm but kind, stoic in school but colourful after class. 

As usual, the conversation drifted to retirement, Henry has fully retired while Solomon seemed to be heading that way. I explained to them (and to myself) that I can't yet as I am supporting many people, and still found rewarding challenges at work. As if to prove it, I offered a renovation solution to Henry's old house which I recorded for him later.

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