Friday, April 5, 2024

5.4.2024 Friday - seeking out potential

I invite the young man for lunch, and a chat. It's been a while since we sat and talked about things, about working together. He's talented and hardworking. But he seems to go walkabout at critical times.

After lunch, he reminded me that we have had a similar conversation before, 5 months before. At the time, he was doing some projects with the Sias so we decided to wait until those projects were completed. But it didn't end well, and Sia said it proved that other people were correct when they said that he's unreliable. 

I have a different quest though. A challenge to see if we can sort something out, so that we have another source of help, so that he gets a steady income, so that he has a payslip and can apply for loans. 

I return from lunch and brief FL and MC, we agree to meet him on Sunday. 

the backyard at no 40 - using this to work out the loan re-payments from Beko

He has been borrowing money for his children's studies, it is quite a bit now. 

I meet with Beko and have a man to man - I wanted to show him the amount owed and how he can re-pay. I also planned a way for him to earn money as he re-pays, and save money by cleaning No. 40 while Bren is at our place. I wanted him to work to pay it off, not his wife but him - the man who asked for the loan. 

We feel that he needs the incentive to earn money each time he works on No. 40. So we proposed a slightly higher rate for this small house, and deduct RM 100 each time, and he still get RM 50. Once a week is RM 5000, which would still take 5 years - he tells me that he is 52 this year. Plenty of time.

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