Sunday, April 14, 2024

14.4.2024 Sunday - Sari

 Hot day - I arrive early at the gym to row, and lift weights. I spend the morning drawing at my new (recycled) table at No. 40 - the roof framing for the Banquet Hall. I am not totally comfortable at this house yet, it is a bit too hot during the day. Anyway, I busy myself re-arranging the books on the shelves and sort through new books that PS gave to me. 

In the evening, I cycle back from squash to have dinner with the Lims, and Jenny, and later Swee who arrived for dessert. 

I hear stories about my friends buying property and about how WK bought a new house and felt the need to tell a story and reasons why he bought it, similar to the BMW story; being wealthy and wanting to appear wealthy but lacking the confidence and having to invent stories in case folks think that they are wealthy.

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