Monday, October 25, 2010

The meagre fruits of our labour?

Newspaper Article on our recent success at the PAM Awards 2010.
People often ask if there are any financial rewards in winning the annual PAM Awards; we tell them 'no'. 
So...., what do you win? - they are curious. We tell them - a trophy and a certificate.(visit to see the trophy). 'That's it ?' - they are incredulous - sure that there must be more to gain than a trophy and a pat on the back by the National Institute of Architects. Well, of course there are rewards and most times, we reap them even before the winners are announced. For the past 4 years, the process of compiling project material for shortlisting is an excellent team-building exercise and an avenue for design discourse and even a little friendly competition amongst colleagues. 
Of course, the awards themselves are a form of recognition from our peers; important for a young architectural firm like ours from a 'remote' part of the country. 

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