Sunday, December 29, 2024

29.12.2024 Sunday - confronting fears

A surprising hard run of 6km, which we follow with breakfast. Sia and Ivy join us, and we talk about our office trip and upcoming office lunch. We talk about office people, Ivy surprise us by assuming that Sean is a director in MWAA. Not yet, I say - not until my partners decide that he is ready. I am standing aside and not deciding that one. 

I ask Sean other dinner and he agrees - that he is not ready and when he is ready, the others will decide. He is not 'in' just because he is the son. 

I confront certain fears later that day, and although I do not come out on top - it is not as difficult as I imagine it to be. On Tuesday, I will use my old Prince racket for squash (as a sign of confidence, and not as a handicap to my opponents.)

EH gets a gift of sketching guides from me, I am sure he will make use of them.  

28.12.2024 Saturday - swimming lessons


27.12.2025 Friday - framing conversations

 Another early morning - this time to meet with the engineer to talk about steel connections for the Springvale canopy. He seems to grasp the design idea and more importantly, the knowledge that we will be scrutinising and offering ideas for what he deems as his work. Once he understands this, we have a design partner. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

26.12.2024 Thursday - stormwater troopers

After talking to Edberg, I realise that they do their submissions without full knowledge of what we are proposing/thinking. It is hence important to speak t the engineers all the time. 

A quiet morning I spend drawing and talking to people. I am trying to produce one item of important drawing each day. Sometimes it involved completing work which one of the others have started and handed to me, for me to review. In some cases, I take and complete it (after each I try to make sure that I explain to them as well, so we both learn.)

Today's task is the proposed new customer lounge for the hospital; suggesting a different location from their proposed one. Our does not require as much power and AC, and has water inlets/outlets making it possible to have a pantry. Small problems to be solved at such high level; it is due to a lack of ability on their part? or the fact that they like how we work?. I will be sending in a fee proposal to answer this question.

A quick 2 hour excursion after Roosh attempted her design ideas


25.12.2024 - a quiet Christmas

I decided last night after badminton and dinner that I would run this morning. I tell myself that it can be a slow run, and will include the Batu Lintang hill. So, at 730 a.m. I do that finishing at the club to jump into the pool (something that I told myself last night as well).
I must be over tired, I sleep after lunch. Sean had thoughtfully taken me to the thosai place in TT3 - I enjoyed that.

We used to get invited out for Christmas lunches and dinners, but this year nothing which I do not mind. Sam and I do our own thing and I try to work on the kitchen table.

Monday, December 23, 2024

21.12.2024 Saturday - rain but ran

Today is one of those days when things are put off hour by hour, and all of a sudden it is lunch time. This is partly due to the rain, which has not stopped since the early hours. 

So I only set off for my run after noon, in the rainy sunshine. I am glad that I ran. 


Thursday, December 19, 2024

20.12.2024 Friday


19.12.2024 Thursday - generosity

Looking at the photo taken during my birthday do, only 2 people were not smiling. Two sulky teenagers, I'll excuse them. Maybe there's a third person who doesn't seem to grasp the situation, lower left corner looking on with a puzzled expression.

He tells me that he is a bit out of touch. I think he means the socialising part, which ties in with the sharing, the generosity and the freedom to make yourself at home when you're with us.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

18.12.2024 Wednesday - Sean turns 30

Sam has arranged for her parents to be taken out for a lunch treat in Dad's birthday; window shopping and a nice lunch. They probably thought that their children had organised this, and not just Sam who thought of this. Sam is a little miffed, but I will tell her not to let this prevent her from doing more of this. 

17.12.2024 Tuesday - taste of own medicine

I got a taste of my own medicine as I played squash against a younger layer. He out played me with craft even though he is not as mobile as me. I come home still thinking about the games, and realise that this must be how the others feel after their games with me. Lesson learnt - when you have the upper hand, take it and keep it, and not feel inferior to him. This Thursday - I will try and combat again. 

On a brighter note, Au comes over after telling Freddie that he wants to reduce the GFA for the Bar Barn. While this is not normally good news for designers, I see this as a good thing - the client is reviewing our design in detail. When he arrives, the first thing he does was to confirm our fees (taking the higher number rather than the lower). He mentions that he does not want the reduction in area to affect our fees. That is the other positive note to the morning's meeting.

I reduced the GFA by scaling down the overall form of the building, and letting that decide on the building grids. This enables me to retain the overall proportion of the building which I rather like.

Friday, December 13, 2024

13.12.2024 Friday - today is Sam's birthday and she receives an award

I sleep in, hoping to treat Sam to a birthday breakfast. I mention laksa and she takes us to the shop at 3rd Mile. 
She has a meeting at the EPF building, they have some certificates of participation for us. She is dressed up nicely, but complains that her hair is flat (it isn't). 

Sam rings me at 10:15, it isn't certificates that the Employers Provident Fund are giving out. It's an award for Best Employer for small businesses (under 50 people) - they had invited for a prize presentation yesterday but we were not able to attend. 

How fitting! Getting an award on her birthday. 

At 5pm, we head off for an old fashioned treat - a movie. 
A Cantonese movie about a wedding planner who takes up a job as a funeral planner after the pandemic. He is the agent for the funeral parlour, the 'brains' while his partner, an ancient Taoist priest is the 'brawn'. The title in Chinese is Breaking Hell - a ritual conducted by the priest which enables the dead to transit into the next realm. 

I like it, the dialogue is very authentic and the main characters are flawed individuals with their prejudices and challenges. As the lead actor says 'the living need salvation as well, because life can be hell'. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

12.12.2024 Thursday - playing too much.

The day starts well, with a meeting with Freddie and Sean about deadlines for re submissions and drawings production. I'm happy because I figured out the framing for the drop off canopy. 

plans for the drop off and the roof framing

long section through canopy

Afternoon meeting with a client, and although our main projects are going well - one with Building Plans approved, and the other accepted for planning submission, I leave the meeting without the usual sense of achievement. Maybe it is because he's distracted. He has his clients as well, with targets and deadlines to meet.

Tennis at 4, Saturday at 5 until 630 - too much strain on my body. First time playing Donald T, there is something sneaky about him, too much guile behind his smiley face.

Dinner for Sam's birthday is a success, I sit between my 2 women who feed me Korean barbecue. The aunties join us and add chat and laughter to the evening.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

11.12.2024 Wednesday - talking about having the guts to leave things as they are

initial drawings about springvale canopy

I send this to the engineer but he needs to check with his boss


I forget that we have my mum today, and go to play tennis. Sam does seem to mind, but I feel bad about it. After tennis, Si Yong collects me from the club and we go to the Good Design week 'gala' dinner. The event is under-populated; 8 tables in a giant hall and not all tables are filled.
The food is surprising good and table company a mixture of familiar faces and new ones; SY, Tay & Suan plus a couple of young graduates from Digital Media and Management. I bully them a little and make them laugh to entertain ourselves because there is none from the organising committee. After the dinner, SY and I think that the OC must have been so disappointed (and embarassed if I were him), especially because we are there to witness this fiasco. All said, it is a nice end to the day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

10.12.2024 Tuesday - BP approved, dinner follows

Plan and section for a resort in Lundu

This is a message to you, you, you. 
Listening to Bob Marley while writing things down, enjoying the day drawing in pencil on butter paper.
I suggest to Sean that we should treat his team to dinner since the Building Plans for Springvale has been approved. We decide on dinner at the Club, and that PH should invite TY while Sean invites Leong. During the evening, while I chat with JY and other separate conversations are taking place - I think to myself  'this is a good thing'. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

9.11.2024 Monday - site plan

My attempt at an early start to the week, result in this pencil drawing only - but nevertheless it proved to be a good start as things start rolling on from here. Often it simply takes a small step. And although this looks like a simple drawing there is plenty of important information and decisions within. The structural grid, distance from the road, placement of the two buildings, roofed areas and some notion about heights and section of buildings.

Later that day, I locate the large trees on this site plan.

8.12.2024 Sunday - Incomplete or Unreliable?

This morning starts earlier than I would have liked, I eat my Hilton breakfast quickly and we get to the airport before 9am to check in our long long table legs in time for the flight back to Kuching. 

It is good to be home, I feel for those who do not have a life in their home towns, or do not a nice home town like Kuching to work and live in. And to prove the point, Sean collects us from the airport, we drop off the table legs at No. 40 well before noon, in time for nice early lunch before getting mom at 1:15 pm. I do some gardening before the good Doctor collects me for squash at 4:15pm. 

Complete and reliable.

7.12.2024 Saturday - KL to KCH

Executive lounge listening to other people's conversations while drinking G&Ts and reading coffee table books. 

I run up and down the hill behind SS3/22, and eat a rava thosai alone. The birthday lunch is at noon, and some guests have arrived when we get there. We sit with Sam's cousins, sister and her husband - during the meal I decide that I will stop attending these events. These people have only self interest, and I am not interested in spending time with them. 

We begin doing something constructive after lunch; check into the Hilton, go to IKEA, wrap up four sets of table legs, return to the hotel for pre-dinner drinks (complimentary, of course) before preparing for our respective dinners (she with Meow, and me with Sher-lin).

SL and I have a long dinner, talking about experiencing joy in our work. It is the case of 'just because we make it look easy does not mean that it IS easy. Likewise, just because I appear happy at what we are doing, it does not mean that we are happy doing what we are doing ALL the time. We have just learn to relish the good times more than the bad. 

6.12.2024 Friday PNG - KL