Sunday, February 26, 2023

27 Feb 2023 Monday - setting new targets

Monday morning is when we usually have a short office meeting to plan the work in the next 2 weeks. We tried one week, but I found that some of the targets are quite long and require a fortnight to complete. In any case, the team is quite independent and usually go about their roles without prompting from me. 

We zoomed to talk about the new hotel project and also the design development of the hospital - I wanted to hand the task to George for a while for him to see it with fresh eyes, and for SL to have a short break to think about something different for a while. 

Design strategies should be simple, I like to think that they should be simple enough for everyone in the construction team to understand. 'So we are going to throw everything at George and leave him alone for a few days. And then on Friday, we can have a short meeting to see what he comes up with - he might come up with nothing (but that's ok, because it is only a few days), or he come up with several options (and we select one), or he might say everything works quite well already (and he simply tweaks a few minor elements). 

And with that I leave the meeting. So that they can start talking about me...

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