Tuesday, March 8, 2011

National Service in Serian

National Service camp near Serian
One Sunday last month, we tagged along to meet Sarah who is serving her National Service duties in a camp near Serian. The great thing about young people is that they carry their bright spark of life with them. It does not matter that the camp is the typical government jerry-built rubbish that will fall apart in 3 years. I saw the interns taking time out, singing, playing the guitar and meeting with family members. For a moment, we were family too sharing in their moment of freedom; we got hugs 6 feet high from Sarah.
We visited Serian after the camp; the place holds certain fond memories for me - as a child and later when we travelled here with Ivy. Back then we visited Ivy's school with Sean and Sara; picking up 'buah saga' from the compound (I must find those photos and share them). Several months later, we travelled up to Serian with Johnson with flowers from our gardens for Ivy and Sia's wedding. We were the florist and photographer for the event.
Rachang Pool - looking towards the cable bridge, the rock pool is below
Stone steps leading up to a picnic gazebo

In the old days, a trip to Serian is not complete without visiting Rachang Pool. More memories - childhood ones this time and as expected, everything looks and feels smaller than I remembered. Still, our visit was made memorable by Eng Hooi's stories about his and Belinda's stint here as school teachers.

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