Saturday, August 14, 2021

Work-life balance

After weeks of working from home, I started think about this as a long term plan since everything was going well in the work front; the guys are self motivated and seemed to enjoy the time away from the office. 

During last year's MCO, I worked from the man-cave outside, which was nice in the mornings but got hot in the afternoons. And I don't get to spend time with Sam, she being in the house. Then I moved inside, onto the 'pier' - an outdoor room next to the living room. This space has nice views of the garden but the table was a little bit small, and I could not see the telly from what I worked. (I sometime turn on a documentary to listen to while drawing). The other place where I have done my work at home was on the low coffee table in front of the telly - like how we did when we were both university students. But it meant moving things away come dinner time, and I am finding it harder and harder to get up from a cross legged position. 

Earlier this year, I annexed Sean's room for working in the afternoons when I needed air-conditioning. It is a smallish room, but cosy and private because of that - it is ideal for my online meetings especially if the dogs get too feisty and start barking at motorbikes outside.

In July, we moved the long table from the man-cave (Sam hurt her wrist carrying it while walking backwards) into the living room. This table was bought second-hand from CC Chan when he migrated to Perth (Sam and the kids modified it and made a new table top for it using timber floor boards). I had earlier sketched out several options of possible layouts and showed them to the boss, she preferred option 1. 

So now we have work-food and entertainment balance in the living room, though at the moment the telly is being fixed, but work - food balance. We get to sit together while we work and eat.

 I do not tire of this view - Sam at lunch in Brussels.

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