Friday, July 3, 2020

Detail therapy

We have so many responsibilities throughout the day, the week that some times we spend too much time trying to decide what to do first and next. And that's before we decide between work and home related projects.

To be efficient, I tell my colleagues and students to do the one that takes the shortest time first - make that phone call, write that Instruction and so forth before settling in to the longer and more unpredictable (time-wise) task of developing a design scheme for example.

But human nature does not always work like that, we delay making the phone call; perhaps the person at the other is unpleasant and difficult to talk to, perhaps making the call brings on an avalanche of more unpleasant duties. Perhaps we just don't feel ready to make that call.
On some days, I simply do what I feel I'd enjoy most doing; damn the deadlines, ignore the urgent questions from site (I'll make sure to issue the details in a 'timely' manner) - I'll spend a day of self therapy and focus on the details of one thing only.

One day and one whole cutting blade later, I was tired but felt refreshed, starting to feel bored yet rewarded. Take some photos to record the day's work for this blog.

Time to make that phone call.

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