Wednesday, October 16, 2024

17.10.2024 Thursday - office lunch because we got OP


16.10.2024 Wednesday - what are you doing today?

I mark up the revisions to the school scheme today, as a pre-emptive measure to a client's call next month. And also as a chance to work with a young Malay architecture graduate in the office. He is from the other office, but we collectively thought that he would benefit from wider exposure.

In the evening, I go home to see mom. She fell down this morning attempting to assist another oldie. She seems fine, having forgotten the incident, I think the aches and pains will come later. Ricco and Sara eat dinner with us - I tell Sara that I sleep better when she does, and indeed I do.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

15.10.2024 Tuesday - new collaboration


A little private retreat, on a site with a stream and beautiful trees

A day spent struggling with the right tasks to complete; construction details or design sketches - not effective. I suspect that it is because there are no deadlines from the client nor ourselves. It is a good day but not the most efficient, I end up finishing a design presentation with Freddie. We are both happy with it, so that is the most important. 

After squash, Sam drives me home to Sara and Ricco already home. The young man might be able to work with us, to help with BP drawings. I tell him to come more often for dinner, he can eat and run (we know he has to close shop etc). I tell him it is a good thing also because we see more of Sara then. By chance, I ask him if he still remembers his CAD, he says he does. And is looking for work...

14.10.2024 Monday - new desk

I go to the office, to a new desk. PC has left it slightly dusty but no matter, I clean it up and put the large drawings on it for checking later.

A few days earlier, I had told Freddie of my wish to wish with TC. I feel it is good to have the 'cross border' exchange. Since I'm working regularly with TC's partner, it feels like TC and I should be partners as well.

So, this afternoon they come over for a chat about a potential project. It is a long shot project. And that's good - deadlines are longer, the programmes are loose, the proposals meant to initiate conversations with new client. I thought that the directors would work on this, and not involve the 'work force'.

I ring PH, and we agree to start. One week for the first review, with TC and Freddie.

That evening it rained heavily, no tennis so I ran for an hour. 

13.10.24 Sunday - sleepy lunch again

Wesley Hotel Room (with a window)

Sushi and half a bagel for lunch. Then squash, good thing Patrick shows up, and gives me a really good work out; 10 games. I am really tired from the whole day's exercise

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

9.10.2024 Wednesday - long dinner with former students


8.10.2024 Tuesday - long chat over lunch

About work methods, work partners and their habits - SY describes what his normal work day is. It's challenging and makes me appreciate PH, Leong, Freddie, Fiona even more. Their support and voices of reason is what enables us to do much more in the office. 

Which prompts me to say this to Freddy the QS at lunch. He walks by and asks me 'how are you?'. I am sitting with PH, Fiona, MC and HP. 

'Very good' - I reply. He stops mid-stride and comes over to our table. 'I rarely hear people say that'. 

'Say what?' I ask. 

'That they are very good'. 

'Well, my children are listening to me, my wife talks to me, and my colleagues are sitting down to lunch with me - so I think I am very good' - followed with a big smile. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

7.10.2024 Monday - much to do

But can't complain, because work is a blessing. Some of us understand that better than others, but they will soon learn when they grow up. Freddie drops by and we chat about the additional details needed for the lift lobbies, and the pool, and the toilets, and the roof, and so forth. The delight is that we are able to resolve these problems/ details by talking and sketching on the large printed sheets. Even PH was able to contribute when he stopped over for a browse - he helped me resolve the canopy of the drop off. 

Later we sit at opposite end of the conference table and draw over the CAD print out for several hours. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

6.10.2024 Sunday - new watch, new plans?

Quite a milestone today, running 5K into town at a fair pace to meet Lance and Yasmin. All 5 kilometres are under 7 min pace - so I am happy with myself. Furthermore, Sam has bought a new watch with GPS, and it can sync with my phone which gives a print out like this one above.

She has blossomed (again) and we talk about her plans to return to Kuching in the future.

Later that evening, we get a full house at No. 40 - dining with Eric and newcomer, Na-na who is a lecturer from China teaching Art Management at UNIMAS. Eric talks about the future of his collaborations in Kuching, about some people he would rather not work with any longer. I have not seen him so agitated, I think it affects him mostly when he feels that his assistants/students are taken advantage of.


5.10.2024 Saturday - in Kuching


4.10.2024 Friday in Songkhla


3.10.2024 Thursday - in a van


2.10.2024 Wednesday KCH - PNG


1.10.2024 Tuesday - a very full day

8 a.m. Breakfast with Si Yong

9 a.m.

1. Enrico

2. Singgahsana lift quotation, 10k difference & colour scheme

3. Tasik biru early commencement of work

4. Springvale construction

5. Roxy Impiana enhance fee

6. Singgahsana trees

7. Springvale triangular land

8. ⁠outstanding fee claim.

11 a.m.

1. road widening 

2. 6 to 5 storeys

3. keep the bin where it is

4. 80 to 70 units ( 2 penthouses)

1 p.m. lunch with Joseph Chai

2 p.m. meeting consultants with Joseph

4 p.m. squash

7 p.m. dinner with Sara

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

30.9.2024 Monday - a bit worrying

 A bit worrying all these deadlines - some which we impose on ourselves, others imposed upon us. Our young team is trying to cope; some succeeding better than others. 

After a quick briefing, I relax by doing a concept design for the food park for Freddie to chat with the owner this Wednesday. PH text to say that Andrew the house client has requested for a meeting to discuss fees, I hope PH stands firm but I also know that he is a softie.