Wednesday, February 12, 2025

12.2.2025 Wednesday - Chap Goh Meh

The 15th day of the Lunar New Year typically signaling the end of festivities, and families get together for a meal, usually dinner. I am the eldest, so I should organise a get-together but my heart is not in it. SO, Sam arranges to feed Louise at her place and we invite ourselves over with a selection of dishes Louise likes. 

Mom joins us and we see a glimpse of the social butterfly she was. 

 Today is Renna site meeting day - I get upset with the QS who routinely choose to pick at some matters (in a personal manner) rather than to solve problems and settle issues. We are 3 months away from completion, and she is picking on pedantic paperwork which should be settled outside these meetings. 

I leave earlier to see Sara and her team with SY - things are going well. Things are going well at the tennis courts as well, my arms is much better and I can hit out. I won 3-1 against Dr Kho.

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