Saturday, July 2, 2016


Last Friday, I was invited to participate in the 3rd installment of PechaKucha Kuching; organised by local architectural firm, Integrated Design Consultants. 12 speakers share a special interest using 20 slides, at 20 seconds per slide - each 'chat'  lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Not easy for a long winded architect - some would say...and they were right..(I missed having my slide clicker)

* PechaKucha is 'chitchat' or chatter in Japanese

I talked about my work with architecture students, designing and building the designs. Here are the 20 slides with their blurbs:


  1. Though only a few months, the moments back in dna was the best working and learning experience so far. Eventhough you nearly knock me with a golf ball when you caught me dozing off while working, but Mr Min you also taught me how to love architecture and how to enjoy design. You may not remember me, but I sure miss you and my fellow friends back then. May your everyday be filled with happiness. An Qi.

  2. I REMEMBER you...the last time I saw you, you came for dinner at the office. You had just cut your hair and you looked about 15 years old...
