Monday, October 30, 2023

29th October 2023 Sunday - Fiona

Penghui sent me these photos which he took at my 36 birthday, we had it at the McDonalds in town.

Fiona has an interesting life, we first met her while she was working in an interior design company with Sam. Sam introduced her to KDI, where I was working, we became firm friends (even gym buddies at one time) Coincidentally, I stayed at her brother's flat while I was studying for my Year 12 in Oakleigh High. 

After KDI, she moved on to work with one of the firm's multi-national clients. In these years, we saw her bloom and take charge of her life, she left her unhappy marriage and found new love. She travelled the world in a yacht, staying in different places in the world, even Rwanda at one time. She now lives in Scotland, so when she is in town we meet up to hear what she has been up to. 

28th of October 2023 Saturday - 30th Anniversary

This is photo from our early DNA days - when we worked and dined like a family. We all worked hard and towards similar goals, easier then because there were only a few projects. I departed after 15 years and while the company still exists, we who left have found our footing and are doing well in our own ways.

This evening, I attend the KAISU's (named after the owner's uncle) 30th anniversary at the Hilton, filled with familiar faces. I sit with the PAM folks, I recently decided that I will leave the PAMSC committee after this term. I have been there too long; time to move on and let others take over and most importantly, I am not enjoying it so much anymore. The newsletter - it will likely stop for a while, and our fortnightly issues is a high benchmark for others to adopt. Someone might take up the challenge, change the format and frequency though I cannot think of who this person might be in the moment. Likewise PDF will stop as well, no one foreseeable to take over. After all, this year is under CW's care - it was postponed, then re-formatted, delayed and then nothing until SY and I took over. 

I don't mind doing it, it is not hard with a good team, the same people from the newsletter. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

27th October 2023 Friday - Sam returns home/ Grooming

Halloween meeting with members of PDF 2023

Sam returns from Hanoi - KL late tonight, in the meantime, we are meeting up with the PDF folks to discuss deadlines, roles, tasks over a meal and drinks. The young ones will do well I think, they have the energy. The thing is how to get them in the door in the first place. It is not about sweet talking as one of the Office Bearers suggested. It is leadership by example and having a good product to pitch at them. It is about giving them autonomy while offering support in areas that they are not familiar with. It is about recognition and acknowledgement of their efforts. It is about making sure that they get something out of it; enjoyment, new networks, personal development and achievement. 

As they become more experienced, they will get a sense of being able to teach and groom another group of younger people. 

The trouble with this process is that IT TAKES TIME, lots of time. The process cannot be forced. 

Leadership by example - I have a funny story about this. It is funny now but at the time, I was furious. We were building houses for Habitat for Humanity; installing timber piles into swampy land ground - tiring and dirty work. The local affiliate was headed by a pastor, who would coincidentally arrive when morning tea was served and offer words of encouragement while partaking the snacks and coffee. As we return to our work, he would take some photos and drive off. Later in the afternoon, he will drop by and take some photos from his car, shout a few cheery words of encouragement. And drive off. 

This process repeated itself as we continue to build more houses with HfH. Needless to say, I lost all respect for that 'leader'. 

my idiot children taking photos at our hotel project, the one which is reputed to be haunted

Thursday, October 26, 2023

26th October 2023 Thursday - You are what you read. (article for Intersection)

I acquired a library last Friday.

About three thousand books and some magazines, from a practice that was winding down. To my surprise, the remaining staff did not want the books, and expressed surprise that someone would want them enough to buy them lock, stock and barrel. ‘The books are old, and there are not that many about architecture.’

True enough, there were more books on politics, memoirs, books about local culture and history, about flora and fauna, there were novels and scientific journals, how-to guides to water-colour, photography and Photo-shop. To be fair to his colleagues, this was his personal library lining the four walls that was his 10’ by 12’ office. Though I am sure that the generous person and teacher that he was, he would have marked pages of interest to share with his staff; to point out a detail, to re-tell an amusing story or to mark a story to re-read later on.

True enough, we found many home-made book marks in the books while we sorted them and put in boxes for transportation. Business cards, strips of old greeting cards, Ringgit notes, and photographs marking where he paused; end of a long car ride, the beginning of dinner, bed-time or boredom. The family is glad that someone would treasure them and keep them in one place - the books that shaped the man he was.

My young helpers were not packing fast enough, they were looking through the books instead of packing them. They are setting some aside ‘to look through later in the office’. I was quietly pleased because few of us continue to read after finishing university (even then the reading was based on prescribed texts to write assignment and pass exams), even fewer read for fun and those of us who continue to read often stay within the ‘tracks’ of our profession.

 You are what you eat, likewise we are what we read - once in a while it is good to add colour to what might be an unbalanced or inadequate diet.


Fiction - architects are working even when they are not; solving a detail, framing a reply to a contractual situation. Fiction offers a respite, it teaches us about human nature, improves our phrasing while ‘escaping’ for a hour.

Classics - get to know the book that was made into a film, learn how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is related to Robert Downey Jr.

Poetry - learn about the distillation of language to paint a scene in a few lines; minimalism. 

Biographies - are written by or about people who have succeeded in some way, learn about their journey and failures. It is similar to reading about the design process which results in the design outcome/ product.  

History - without which, it is difficult to base many of our design theories and ideas on. History does not have to start 3,000 years ago, it can be from the birth of a nation.

Old books - I have a fondness for old books, I can’t explain why. Perhaps it is the notes in the margins, the inscriptions on the inside flap or the random bookmarks. Perhaps it is the sense of handing down, and the continuation of an inheritance. With this new library, I have a chance to experience all of the above.

Moreover, I am able to dip into the collection and have pot luck; dine outside my usual food-groups and learn more about the man who gifted me his books. What more can I ask for?

25th October 2023 Wednesday - another project on the ground


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

24th October 2023 Tuesday - Roxy Impiana


23rd October 2023 Monday - Sam leaves for Hanoi

 A small sketch I modified from some pen marks into a scene from a church in Sydney - it is not completely accurate of course but it is 15 minutes sitting with Sam last night as she prepared her boarding documents. 

This is her first trip away with her girlie friends - she is quite excited which probably explains why she forgot her phones and I had to return to the airport this morning. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

19th October 2023 Thursday - Sheraton

Late last night, I received a texted invite to attend a banquet dinner at the newly opened Sheraton Hotel this evening. Freddie and I go to eat and drink our fill, amid shouted conversations and bad karaoke singing - I am glad to experience it and equally glad to go home to bed. 

18th October 2023 Wednesday - no squash

 I like to have a highlight to look forward to at the end of the day; tennis, squash, drinks with colleagues or a home cooked dinner. There are 3 highlights today; squash, lunch with YY and gang and then dinner with Joo, an engineer friend from the hospital project. But my squash friend, Dr Kok is unable to play today. So I report to Sam - 'no squash today, Kok pulled out'.

In any case, there is a nice dinner to look forward to so I go for a long swim and join my mom and Joo for dinner at the club.

17th October 2023 Tuesday - many meetings

Toorak House - 2 failed models, one by man and the other by machine

3 of us attend the meeting for the new serviced apartment project; it is a small meeting and quite short. The building plans are about to be approved, tender drawings are at 75% and released for the preparation of tender documents. After the meeting, we visit our show unit and then a project site by another local architect with the client's representative (who was a former intern at DNA). We are all on familiar terms and he speaks frankly; about getting senior architects or directors to visit the job site, about good construction details, proper contract administration. I suggest a few practices whom he could contact for future projects. 

In the car on the way back, someone ask "why would I suggest other 'competitors' architects to the client"? We cannot take on all the work and I think it is good for the client have experience working with other architects. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

16th October 2023 Monday -


Many things happened today - as it is prone to on Mondays, but the most important event today was the purchasing of the entire library of books and magazines from Mrs. Phillip Chang. There are over 1000 items in his library; subjects ranging from architecture to chess, local culture to international politics,  memoirs, fiction, poetry and travel. I won't be able to read all of them, and not all will be useful for the office but I wanted the whole set simply because it reflects the man, his thinking and the literature that shaped his thoughts and opinions. 

I will store them at the library at No. 40 so that they can all be at one place, as promised.

15th Oct 2023 Sunday - fisherman's cafe

Sundays are not the same without squash in the evening, especially when I don't play tennis in the mornings with Ni. I feel sluggish and slightly guilty for the lack of activity (on the Day of Rest), squash at 4pm typically gives me an end to the work day, without which I work on until dinner time. I walk home to a fondue dinner

Saturday, October 14, 2023

14th October 2023 Saturday - a breakfast chat, a promise which was not kept

 I meant to run into town for bkft with Freddie, but he is busy hiking with his nephews. So I agree to meet with HY to eat and chat about work possibilities. Sam joins us; a voice of reason and maternal affection. We chat and he agree on how to structure work and form good habits to deliver work on time. Without the reasons, excuses and cars break-downs, stress from house keeping, etc. 

I get in the car feeling optimistic, Sam is quiet. She has seen this before but it quietly hopeful. 

Lunch with Bensen and Mikael about PDF, good chat and even better one about my plans for Phillip's books and my time next term. 

Evening meal with the Sias, and EH - he talks about the school project, Joanne and Ivy exchange notes about fellow students. Later that evening, I ask HY if he sent the drawings as promised at breakfast - he did not. 

Good, my mind is made up. I will make other plans for how my extra work can be done. 

13th October 2023 Friday - massing about


Friday, October 13, 2023

12th October 2023 Thursday - my last term

 Another issue of FLASH, the offspring of INTERSECTION, our local chapter's newsletter which I have edited and help edit for the past 12 years. There was a break in the middle, when I handed the reins over to another architect. I returned as editor in 2019, and we reformatted it as two digital issues each fortnight; FLASH for projects, and NEWS for circulars and practice notes.

After last night's meeting, I confirmed my feelings about stepping down. This will be my last tern at PAMSC - I don't feel the spark of joy when fresh issues are released. It feels like a duty now, not yet a chore and I don't want to arrive at that point. Someone can take over and do it their way, or the newsletter will go to sleep for a period of time - it is alright, some chapters do not have newsletters. This means that someone will take over PDF as well, which might not be as difficult as SY is still in the committee. 

It is the word and text that most people find a challenge. PS thinks it requires a special talent to do what we do, HJ thinks it is not talent but a passion for words and architecture. I think it is the small sense of achievement that we feel each fortnight when we complete and release another issue to our members.

Lunch with intersection ppl - PS and HJ will also take a break from the newsletter next term, we have progressed this far because we enjoyed each other's company and working together. PAMKL contracts this work to companies, it is not done by volunteers 

Monday, October 9, 2023

9th October 2023 Monday - working without sweating

 I was worried about one particular deadline today - more for my own checklist rather than the client's requirement. We met with this client and the consultants' team on Monday every fortnight. So, I leave the house when it is still dark and arrive at 6 a.m. and look at Jenny's 3D files for the first time this month. There are some areas to tidy up, so I start and by 9a.m. there is enough done to convince the client to agree to proceed to planning submission. 

8th October 2023 Sunday - speaking to HY


I invite the young man for lunch, I told him that we might have some work for him if he can find the time. I worked with him last in 2014, and found him to be creative and hardworking. Since I left my former practice, we have not worked together. We have some projects with longer deadlines which I think would be excellent to test out a new working relationship. 

7th October 2023 - cooking for Benny


6th October 2023 Friday - international affairs


5th October 2023 Thursday - ELEV8 kick off


4th October 2023 - Wednesday another offer of a job